“Noushin”, New Mandarin Cultivar for North Regions of Iran


Iran Citrus Research Institute, Ramsar, Iran.


Clementine mandarin (Citrus clementina) is one of the suitable/marketable citrus species in north of Iran however, as a disadvantage has small fruits. In order to produce new citrus cultivar with large and good quality fruit, a project with four phases was conducted from 1989 until 2009. The first phase was started with controlled cross pollination between Clementine mandarin as maternal, and Marrs, Hamlin and Salustiana oranges (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck) as paternal parents. The second phase of this project consisted of selection of superior genotypes based on their suitable characteristics e.g. earliness, low-seed content, fruit size, peeling quality, extract percentage and fruit tastearoma. Primary quantitative and qualitative evaluations of fruits based on optimum levels of aforesaid traits resulted in final selection of 68 hybrids among the 396 crosses made in the third phase. To choose the best performing hybrids, evaluation and adaptability of selected genotypes in comparison with Clementine mandarin (control), were tested under environmental conditions of northern Iran with the common rootstock, sour orange (C. aurantium L.). On the basis of good quantitative and qualitative traits, finally the genotype 76109 (a Clementine × Salustiana orange cross) was selected as new mandarin hybrid and named “Noushin” in Iran in March 2010. Noushin is moderately vigorous with an upright canopy and thorn less. Its fruits are medium-sized, almost oblate and seedy. Rind is thin, somewhat leathery, its fruit has nearly bumpy surface with prominent oil glands with an easily separable peels, light orange in color at the maturity stage and excellent taste. Noushin has early ripening/good quality fruits. As compared to its maternal parent, clementine mandarin, Noushin showed superiority of higher yield (10%), fruit weight (25%), TSS/TA (24%) and earlier time of fruit ripening (15 days). Considering these suitable traits and also based on its economical value and cold tolerance in orchard holders' view is expected to successfully commercialized as a new cultivar in the market.
